I recently watched the movie “The Fall” – suggested by my roommate Lyz. A fantastic movie, however also the first movie i literally had to walk away from because i was actually sobbing.

i’m reading Annie Dillard’s Pilgrim at Tinker Creek right now…

i know it’s a pretty predictable thing to write about the changing of the seasons right now, but i feel thoroughly compelled to just at least mention it.

As it is with most, i find the Fall to be my favorite season of the year, and the best time of the year. Football starts, school starts, it’s my birthday, thoughts run deeper, and i get to wear sweaters and scarfs and my brown loafers (no, i’m not an old man…though many roommates in the past have accused me of it).

perhaps it’s just age and life taking its toll, but every year, i seem to love this season more than i did the year before.

here in the central valley, the weather has begun to change in the past few weeks. the light changed several weeks ago and the air just changed in the past week or so. it blows my mind that this happens or rather that i get to watch it all happen; though it seemed to happen overnight this year, making it much easier to note. but that there is such hope in a changed season…again, just blows my mind.

well…i guess it’s just that it’s amazing that we as people are so sensitive to the changing of the seasons. though even that being the case, i find that the Fall is especially profound in hitting on our sensitivity to the changing of seasons.

i suppose it’s the changing light, and remembering the heat that we just escaped, and the gradual change of clothing that is required. i find myself saying things like “last week at this time we didn’t have to have our headlights on just yet”. i always find that i mourn the changing of the seasons, but then again, i’m highly sentimental.

and so, all of this being said, i’m buying into the hope of the Fall. i’m working on letting go of a few things and embracing a few new things; it only seems appropriate. it’s time.
